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dancing queen


epp testing my latest idea. this is try #12? 432? and by far the most successful.

so... i have no idea why i chose an abba song title to be the first title of this first post, but can you really go wrong with abba? i'm not going to go crazy, this will be brief- i hope you check back to this space for inspiration, maybe a few succinct how-to's and rando musings from a creative mom, designer lady.

i have to take my insane dog to the vet, my littlest is turning 6 tomorrow, and my to-do list is long... but my goal is be a weekly resource for making. making with your kids, making for yourself- finding that 15 minutes, and getting #oneseamcranked (that's a hashtag we started on Instagram to show we were finding the time, even if it was only one seam, busting it out). i hope your holiday weekend is a happy start to summer. summer! that magical time of popsicles, lazing in the yard, eating outside and rosé. and maybe we all blare dancing queen, and get this party started.

xoxo- k.


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